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No obstante los miembros de la directiva fueron
No obstante, los miembros de la directiva fueron cambiando en la medida que el organismo se iba asentando. De forma que, de la directiva original, al cabo del primer año sólo quedaban tres de sus miembros: Xavier de Oteyza, Justo Sotomonte y Federico Álvarez. En el libro de actas, que se inicia el 1
Desde el punto de vista de Antileo el camino hacia
Desde el punto de vista de Antileo el camino hacia la liberación no debiera establecer una división descalificadora de las luchas y acciones de los mapuche que han salido de las comunidades, pues el radicalismo que cuestiona su legitimidad por estar fuera de ellas no permite verlos como agentes de r
Abstract Background Substantial progress has been made
Abstract Background Substantial progress has been made in reducing the incidence and prevalence of malaria. In 2016, 111 countries have eliminated malaria and another 35 countries, are making progress toward elimination of the disease. However, little is known about how much governments and donors
SB 431542 Abstract Background Substantial progress has been
Abstract Background Substantial progress has been made in reducing the incidence and prevalence of malaria. In 2016, 111 countries have eliminated malaria and another 35 countries, are making progress toward elimination of the disease. However, little is known about how much governments and donors
The rapidly growing advancements in mobile technology
The rapidly growing advancements in mobile technology have revolutionised global connectivity with 7 billion mobile phone users worldwide, most of which live in developing countries. The (RS)-CPP of portability and sharing allows mobile phones to reach more people than through the internet alone, p
br Discussion In previous studies advanced AV block
Discussion In previous studies, advanced AV block during RF application for type 1 atrial flutter raised immediate concerns that the catheter may have been positioned at the septum near the AV node, rather than in the CTI [1,2]. In our case, since the ablation catheter was positioned at a lateral
Pod amos pensar con Jean Marie Schaeffer que esta
Podíamos pensar con Jean-Marie Schaeffer que esta tensión bipolar de una imagen, capaz de imantar al espectador con la promesa de plenitud gloriosa de Cristo y a la vez de vedar y restringir su acceso, de regular y regir su propia visibilidad, pertenece de modo inherente a nuestro pensamiento del cu
As tambi n Jon Sobrino S J
Así también, Jon Sobrino (S. J.), otro de los más ilustres representantes de esta corriente, ha indicado cómo “los evangelios muestran abundantes ataques de Jesús wee1 inhibitor los escribas, fariseos, sacerdotes y ricos... y no aparecen tales ataques ni denuncias ni con tal virulencia a grupos o ac
The addition of the intron sequence at the
The addition of the intron 5/6 sequence at the 3′ end was supposed to be generated by chromosomal translocation without the fusion partner gene at 9q13; The PAX gene was simply broken at intron 5/6 without the supply of a splice acceptor site at the 3′ end of the intron, resulting in the in-frame tr
5-Iodotubercidin Since I created the Doughnut at Oxfam
Since I created the Doughnut at Oxfam in 2012, it has been widely applied within academia, policymaking, progressive business, urban planning, and civil society as a tool for reconceptualising sustainable development. Here I present a renewed and strengthened framework, based on recent advances in b
What can be done to reduce
What can be done to reduce morbidity and mortality in HEU infants? Notably, a third of all mortality in the Botswana trial occurred early, before randomisation. Similarly, in a trial of more than 14 110 infants in Zimbabwe, done in the pre-MTCT-prevention era, HIV-exposed uninfected infants had 50%
Stimulated IUI is much more
Stimulated IUI is much more effective than natural R406 manufacturer or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation treatment. In four randomized trials of patients with unexplained subfertility, pregnancy rates were higher when IUI was performed in stimulated cycles than in natural cycles [odds ratio (OR)
Si recordamos que la edici n
Si recordamos que la edición de El fistol del diablo es de 1887, y que la de Los bandidos de Río Frío de 1891, podemos deducir que en sus últimos años de vida, Payno concibió y planteó su idea del proceso histórico nacional en el que la tradición mexicana y la modernización nacional logran al fin un
br The Ministerial Conference on
The Ministerial Conference on in Asia and the Pacific is taking place on Nov 24–28, 2014, in Bangkok, Thailand. In recognition of this and parallel plans from the UN Economic Commission for Africa for a Ministerial Conference on CRVS for African countries, to be held in Côte d\'Ivoire in February
One of the lessons the global health community learned
One of the lessons the global health mineralocorticoid receptor learned from its experience with HIV was the need to rapidly identify individuals who are eligible for treatment. Yet HCV is severely underdiagnosed ( Lancet Glob Health —The following sentence should have read “Alarmingly, almost hal
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